Patient Profile

Gender: Female Age: 76 Yrs

Complaints :

- Patient was diagnosed of Frozen shoulder since 1 year , was undergoing treatment without any relief , she was referred to healthzia from a friend. - Initially pain was in right shoulder , Now pain has shifted to Left shoulder also. - Pain < Weight lifting, doing household work. - Unable to raise hand. Unable to Comb hair properly. - Now pain is more in left shoulder than right - Pain shifted to Left Scapula and Left hand to Left thumb. - Dyspnea while walking or doing other activities.

Medical History:

- K/C/O Cervical spondylosis& Bilateral Frozen shoulders. - Severe B/L Varicose veins.


B/L Frozen shoulder.

RESULTS AFTER BMPT Therapy in 5 days

- Significant reduction in pain. - Improved range of movement. - Enhanced functionality (can comb hair and perform daily activities). - **Pain Scale:** - Reduced from 10 to 1.


After 15 sessions of BMPT therapy, the patient experienced substantial relief in right shoulder pain, improved range of motion, decreased dyspnea, better sleep quality, and alleviation of other complaints.